comment awaiting moderation

‘Your comment is awaiting moderation’ isn’t showing or appearing

When a user submits a comment to your WordPress post successfully, he or she will see a message: “Your comment is awaiting moderation” and a preview of the comment if you checked “Comment must be manually approved” from the settings.

Comment Setting

You may face a problem where the comment awaiting moderation message won’t appear if you use the Yoast SEO plugin. You may say, I can’t see your comment is awaiting moderation in WordPress. What’s the problem?

Well, this isn’t really a problem. This is a Yoast SEO plugin setting you are using.

To solve this problem, go to Yoast SEO > Settings > Advanced > Crawl optimization.

Scroll down to “Advanced: URL cleanup”. Here you have enabled “Remove unregistered URL parameters”. This is causing the issue.

Add two parameters: unapproved and moderation-hash to the “Additional URL parameters to allow” field:

allow URL parameters

Now save the change and purge the cache.

This should solve the problem if it was caused by the Yoast SEO plugin.

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